

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Sad Day

We knew this day was coming.  We actually thought that it would come quite a bit sooner, but Miss Bean Dip managed to pull through a lot longer than any of us expected.  Evan's dog Bailey, the "puppy" he's had since before we started dating 12 years ago, passed away last week.  His parents didn't have the heart to tell him over the phone (understandably), so they had her write us one last letter before she had to go:

Dear Sweetheart and Katie, 
I have gone home. I am so happy. Chop and Effa kept me around for so long because they said they couldn't tell when I was ready. Duh. Have a clue. I couldn't see, hear, chew, walk, pee or poop when I was supposed to. And I was so dog-damned tired. I got to stop for a Puppy Cone at DQ on the way out.  Remember that HUGE car you had that I got to do that in? So funny. I can now jump SO HIGH like I used to do. There are WINGS ON MY BACK again!!! I loved you and I KNOW you loved me. 

It's been a tearful evening, but we know Bailey is in such a magical place now.  She's so happy - she's running and jumping again, playing with her puppy cousins that moved on before her.  So, here's to you Bean Dip.  We'll be toasting you and your effervescent joy for years to come.

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